Intro style, for optional intro highlight type copy. Should only be a few lines long, and let the reader know what they're about to get into. Plus, it looks great! This style is found in the menu above under Format > Formats

Example paragraph text style. This is what your standard paragraphs will look like throughout the entire site. Certain areas may have special styles, but this is your standard copy size. Paragraph links are styled like this so that they are easy for users to find. You also have the ability to BOLD text as well as emphasize text. You can also insert links to download things in your content, 'Example Document Title' (PDF), like this. The Button style below can be found in Format > Formats Button Style  Below this paragraph you'll find examples of all the other styles you'll have at your disposal. You also have a style guide page that lists all important information on image sizes, fonts, and colors.

Header 2, Used for New Sections

  • This is a bulleted list.
  • You can also do a numbered list (bullets will change to numbers).
    • You can also create lists inside of a list.
    • Just like this!
  • We highly encourage the use of lists to make your content easier for the user to scan and digest quickly.
  • Most users on the web are task-oriented, so the easier the better.
  • Long paragraphs can be cumbersome and intimidating. Be sure to remember the medium, and don't write copy the same way you would for print!

Header 3, Used for Smaller Sections or Sub-Sections

It's important to also mention that this is just a reference page. We would never encourage you to use all of these styles on one page, all at once. Rather, this is your guide to all things possible. This page is your point of reference for all the tools in your tool-box.
Blockquotes can be used to call out quotes. Be sure to put an author at the end if there is one. Using all caps or bolding the authors name, and putting an em dash before it works well. KURT CRUSE
These interior styles are also available when creating content for other pages, like writing a blog post, a news article, etc. These same styles will apply to your headers and body copy. For the most part, the same can be said for any open content areas in the sidebar, home page, contact page, and so on.

Header 4 Style can be Great for Callouts

Header 5 Style can be Great for Callouts
We hope you'll come back to this page when you're working on new content, or editing existing content. Of course, if you have any questions along the way, use the Help button located in the top left of Mighty-Site to reference all of our help docs or contact support. Thanks so much and happy creating!